
Majority Of UK Workers Worry About ‘Home Alone’ Pets


More than two-thirds (67 per cent) of UK workers experience feelings of guilt, as well as anxiety and unhappiness, when leaving pets at home for long periods of time, according to new research.

The survey by leading homeworking outsourcing provider Sensée quizzed both home-based and office workers. It also reveals that nearly three-quarters (74%) of office workers claim to have considered working from home in order to care for their pets.

Almost half (47%) of homeworkers questioned claim that their pet was an influencing factor when deciding to become a home-based worker.

Steve Mosser, CEO of Sensée, said: “The flexibility of home-based working gives employees the opportunity to spend more time caring for members of the family and pets. By enabling employees to work remotely, companies can relieve the anxiety that many workers with pets feel when away from home for long periods of time.”

The survey also found that a third of home-based workers spend more than three hours a day caring for their pets. Unsurprisingly, the most popular pets were found to be dogs, cats and small animals.

Working from home has been a life-changing experience,” says Kelly Dring, a Sensée HomeAgent.

“When I used to work in an office I would often rush back home at lunch to check on my two dogs. I just didn’t like the idea of them being alone all day. However since becoming a home-based worker, I have so much more flexibility to do the things I want – including spending more time with my pets.”

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