DESIGN – Magic Media Studio Magic Media Fri, 24 May 2024 09:26:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DESIGN – Magic Media Studio 32 32 Video Game Economics and Game Economy Design Fri, 24 May 2024 09:26:19 +0000

The intricacies of video game economics and video game economy design have quickly become an integral part of a game’s life cycle and how its success is measured by publishers. Due to the rising complexities of game design and video game development, we’re seeing longer production cycles, with bigger and more expensive targets. 

In this blog, we’ll look into the core elements of game economy design, exploring some current trends in game monetization, look at the psychology of economies and player engagement, and dancing the careful line between player enjoyment and profitability. For this piece, we won’t be touching on in-game economies and will instead be focusing on real currency balance.

Monetization Strategies

With the rising costs of operations and game development, many games are driven by monetization strategies. 

One significant change in this field was the release of subscription models like those found in Xbox Game Pass or PlayStation Plus. These changed the way players had access to games, offering a huge library of games that evolves and grows, under a monthly fee. This model provides a steady stream of income for developers while offering players a buffet of games including Day One releases in the case of Xbox Game Pass.

In-game purchases have changed with these new financial expectations of game economy design. No longer are they just cosmetic items, instead some games lock content and even pay-to-win items or boosts behind in-game purchases. However, for developers who found the balance of in-game purchases without offering pay-to-win incentives find themselves with a positive environment where purchasing is entirely optional and holds no mechanical advantage.

Lastly, we’re seeing a rise in the use and sophistication of ad-based revenue models. The goal in these models is to seamlessly blend ads into the gaming experience, where rewards are granted for watching ads. In this way, developers generate revenue while maintaining a free-to-play model. This can help strike a balance benefitting players and the game developers.

Player Engagement Psychology for Game Economy Design

Game economy design, simply, is defined by a study of player behavior. The key in game economics is ensuring players don’t feel used by a monetization model and that the game encourages player engagement. In this way, it encourages players to play more and potentially spend money on your title. Designing your game and its economy to support immediate gratification in pursuit of long-term goals will keep your players invested.

An aspect of game economic psychology is the social aspects of gaming. Multiplayer games and any social features your game might have, help players to engage and feel a part of a community. This fosters a strong sense of belonging which helps players feel invested in your game’s experience. A social connection can be very powerful for many players and serves to encourage in-game spending.

The Balance of Player Experience and Game Economics

Profitability is important to a game’s continued success, support, and running. However, the player experience is just as important. Without happy players, profit is impossible. The balance to find, and it can be difficult, is the balance between profitability and player experience.

A key element to consider in your game’s design and its economic design is its enjoyability and fairness without any purchases. If your players feel taken advantage of, or if they feel that most elements are simply there to encourage a purchase, you’ll be hard pressed to maintain player enjoyment.

Finding this balance requires a comprehensive understanding of game economy design. This is something Magic Media can provide given our thorough game development experience.

As game development service providers, we are always working to stay at the forefront of trends and methodologies. That includes the complicated process of game economy design and the new trend of live service games. If you’re interested in leveraging our expert game design services, we’d love to hear from you. The Magic Media team are always ready to leverage our knowledge and experience in delivering you the best game development experience possible. Reach out and let’s create magic.

Game Character Design: Classes and Characteristics Tue, 14 May 2024 11:27:05 +0000

Unforgettable video game experiences happen when all aspects come together, including art, gameplay mechanics, story, and game character design. Great video game character design is borne of teamwork between different departments – excellent writing, second-to-none concept art, and seamless insertion into the game’s world and story.

Modern video game character design strives to instill emotion in players by helping players understand the character’s motivations and place in the story through the words the character says, their visual design, and their actions. Far-flung from gaming’s humble origins of sprite-based characters who can’t speak or express emotion, players these days expect top-notch video game character design.

What is Game Character Design?

Game character design is a phase of the overall game development process, where a game designer will conceptualize the game’s characters from scratch, including initial sketches, visual style, and distinct visual qualities. Working in league with artists to bring them to life, the character design process often begins with the designer analyzing the character’s personality traits to devise potential design ideas. Character designs can vary wildly depending on the game and the art style it employs, whether it’s stylized or adheres to a hyperrealistic aesthetic.

A critical of game character design is that they’re recognizable to players, whether they’re a villain, ally, or something more ambiguous. This can be accomplished through subtle and obvious visual design choices, such as a villain possessing a facial scar or through the use of color in their attire. These attributes lead to enhanced levels of player immersion and character believability.

Classes and Archetypes in Game Character Design

Video game character design often produces characters who adhere to distinct archetypes or classes seen in various media over decades. Role-playing games (RPGs), in particular, tend to possess a large number of archetypes for the player character, villains, allies, and other notable characters.

These archetypes are presented to players as selectable character classes that each have specific game character design traits. These include heavy armor-wearing and melee weapon-oriented warriors or fighters, magic-using mages and wizards, warrior priest clerics, rogues and thieves who are masters of stealth and sneak attacks, hunters and rangers who use long-range weaponry and animal companions, and much more.

Video Game Character Design and Genre

Game character designs are closely related to the game genre in which they appear. Genres are largely determined by how the player interacts with a game. For example, a first-person shooter tasks players with playing from a first-person camera perspective while defeating enemies with ranged and melee weaponry. Because of the wide range of game genres, settings, and visual styles that each game can have, every game tends to be populated with relevant character archetypes.

For example, action games present players with a series of physical challenges, from platforming to shooting and melee combat. Because of this, players are more likely to encounter physical action-oriented archetypes such as fighters and warriors. RPG games tend to have the largest array of character archetypes due to typically in-depth combat systems that support multiple playstyles.

Game Character Design Archetype Characteristics

Among the wide range of character archetypes and classes available, players will usually find common characteristics among them including the following:

Fighter/Soldier/Warrior – Fighters are traditionally powerful physical warriors who wield two-handed weapons or swords and shields while wearing powerful. These warriors are usually the first to enter the fray of battle, defend their compatriots, and tackle enemies head-on.

Rogue/Thief/Assassin – These characters wear lighter armor and employ stealth tactics to silently defeat their enemies. They hide and strike at opportune moments, while also using their sneaking abilities to steal from their enemies.

Wizard/Mage/Sorcerer – These magic-wielding characters use the arcane arts to shoot fireballs, summon icicles, shield themselves and their team, and summon temporary allies. Typically characterized as a physically weak class, they use their superior intellect to defeat enemies with devastating magical attacks.

Ranger/Hunter/Archers – Rangers, as the name suggests, are masters of long-ranged attacks using bows and crossbows with limited melee capabilities. They can often use traps and summon animal companions to compensate for their primarily ranged-only offensive capabilities.

Reach out to Magic Media to learn more about our extensive gaming industry services, including art production, 3D modeling, full-cycle game development, and more, in addition to our services for entertainment and tech projects. Contact us today, and let’s create magic!

Game Design Instructions: Crafting Engaging and Immersive Games for Unforgettable Player Experiences Thu, 21 Sep 2023 16:14:54 +0000

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on game design instructions! At Magic Media, we are passionate about creating engaging and immersive gaming experiences. In this article, we will provide you with detailed insights and instructions on how to design games that captivate players and leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re a seasoned game designer or a beginner looking to explore the world of game development, this guide is tailored to help you succeed. So, let’s dive right in!

Game Design

Game Design is a highly analytical field that involves creating game mechanics, systems, and rules. However, Game Design is not just about logic and analysis. Game Designers must also be highly creative, with a deep understanding of narrative and storytelling. They must create compelling characters and plotlines that draw players into the game world and keep them engaged.

Understanding the Player Experience

Before delving into the intricacies of game design, it is crucial to understand the player experience and how it can impact the success of your game. Players seek entertainment, challenge, and a sense of accomplishment. As a game designer, your goal is to create an environment that fulfills these desires while keeping players engaged and motivated to progress.

Immersive Storytelling: Crafting Engaging Narratives

One of the fundamental aspects of game design is crafting a captivating storyline. A well-developed narrative provides players with a purpose, evokes emotions, and enhances their overall experience. To create an immersive story, consider the following:

Compelling Characters: Develop well-rounded characters with distinct personalities, goals, and conflicts. Players should feel a connection to these characters, driving them to continue playing.

Plot Development: Craft an intriguing plot that evolves as the game progresses. Incorporate plot twists, suspense, and unexpected challenges to keep players engaged and curious about what comes next.

Player Agency: Allow players to make meaningful choices that influence the storyline. This fosters a sense of ownership and personalization, deepening their immersion in the game world.

Gameplay Mechanics: Balancing Challenge and Reward. The mechanics of gameplay directly impact the player experience. Striking a balance between challenge and reward is essential to keep players motivated and entertained throughout the game. Consider the following aspects:

Learning Curve: Introduce gameplay mechanics gradually, providing players with a smooth learning curve. Start with simple tasks and gradually increase complexity to avoid overwhelming them.

Progression System: Implement a well-designed progression system that rewards players for their achievements. This can include unlocking new levels, acquiring power-ups, or earning virtual currency to enhance their gaming experience.

Difficulty Levels: Cater to different player skill levels by offering multiple difficulty options. This allows beginners to enjoy the game without feeling frustrated while challenging experienced players.

Simplicity: Strive for a clean and uncluttered UI that provides easy navigation and accessibility to essential game features. Avoid overwhelming players with too many on-screen elements.

Visual Feedback: Provide visual cues and feedback to indicate progress, achievements, and important events. This helps players stay engaged and informed about their performance.

Responsive Controls: Ensure that controls are responsive and intuitive, allowing players to perform actions accurately and effortlessly. Test the controls thoroughly to eliminate any potential frustrations.

Iterative Design and Testing: Iterative design and testing are critical processes in game development. They allow you to refine your game design based on user feedback and ensure a polished final product. Here’s how you can implement this approach effectively:

Prototyping: Create prototypes of your game early in the design process to test mechanics, gather feedback, and identify areas for improvement. This helps in avoiding costly changes later on.

User Testing: Engage playtesters to evaluate the game’s usability, mechanics, and overall experience. Collect feedback on what works well and areas that need refinement. 

Dive into the dynamic realm of Magic Media, where game design transcends the ordinary – it’s our passion and raison d’être. We stand as your creative confidantes in the exciting and ever-changing sphere of design, revered for our pioneering solutions and extensive range of services.

At Magic Media we are veterans of the gaming, tech and entertainment industries, offering comprehensive services including game development, VFX, animation and full art services! Our main goal is to provide a one-stop solution for any project. If you’d like to utilize our expertize and experience in creating, game art and more, drop us a line and let’s create magic!

Exploring the Distinction Between Game Design and Game Art Tue, 22 Aug 2023 09:11:33 +0000

In the realm of game development, game design and game art are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion among enthusiasts and professionals alike. While these two domains share a close relationship, they encompass distinct skill sets and play different roles in the creation of immersive gaming experiences.

Game Design: Crafting the Player’s Journey

Game design serves as the foundation upon which captivating virtual worlds are built. It involves the meticulous planning, structuring, and implementation of various elements that shape the gameplay and overall experience. As game designers, we focus on conceptualizing, prototyping, and refining the mechanics, rules, and systems that govern a game. 

Key Components of Game Design:

Game Mechanics: These are the rules and interactions that drive the gameplay. From combat systems to puzzle-solving mechanics, every aspect is carefully crafted to provide players with engaging challenges and opportunities for skill development.

Level Design: Level design encompasses the creation of environments, obstacles, and puzzles that players navigate through. It requires a deep understanding of player psychology and the ability to strike a balance between difficulty and enjoyment.

Narrative Design: In games with rich storylines, narrative design becomes pivotal. This involves the creation of compelling characters, intricate plots, and branching storylines that immerse players in a captivating narrative world.

Game Art: Painting the Virtual Canvas

Game art breathes life into the game design blueprint. It is the creative expression that visually communicates the game’s aesthetics, atmosphere, and characters to the players. Game artists combine their artistic talent with technical skills to create visually stunning and cohesive experiences. Make sure to check out Blankos Block Party, one of our previous game art projects we worked on! 

Key Aspects of Game Art:

Concept Art: Concept artists play a crucial role in the initial stages of game development. They bring ideas to life through sketches, illustrations, and digital paintings, capturing the essence of characters, environments, and props.

3D Modeling and Animation: With the advancements in technology, 3D modeling and animation have become integral to game art. Skilled artists create realistic or stylized models, textures, and animations, ensuring the visual fidelity and fluidity of in-game assets.

Visual Effects: Visual effects artists add flair and spectacle to the game. They create stunning particle systems, dynamic lighting, and atmospheric effects, enhancing the overall visual impact and immersing players in the virtual world.

The Interplay Between Game Design and Game Art

While game design and game art are distinct disciplines, they are intricately interconnected and rely on each other for optimal results. Let’s explore the symbiotic relationship between these two domains:

Collaboration: Game designers and game artists collaborate closely throughout the development process, ensuring that the aesthetics align with the gameplay mechanics and narrative vision.

Iterative Process: Game design and game art often go through iterative cycles, with continuous feedback and adjustments. This iterative approach allows for constant refinement and improvement, resulting in a more polished final product.

User Experience: Effective game design and visually captivating game art contribute to a seamless and immersive user experience. The interplay between these elements determines the emotional impact and enjoyment players derive from the game.

Game design and game art are indispensable pillars in the world of game development. While game design focuses on crafting the player’s journey through mechanics, level design, and narratives, game art brings these visions to life through visually stunning concepts, models, and effects. Recognizing the fine line that distinguishes these disciplines allows us to appreciate the synergy they create when combined harmoniously. At Magic Media, we strive to harness this synergy to create extraordinary gaming experiences that captivate players worldwide.

At Magic Media we are veterans of the gaming, tech and entertainment industries, offering comprehensive services including game development, VFX, animation and full art services! Our main goal is to provide a one-stop solution for any project. If you’d like to utilize our expertize and experience in creating, game art and more, drop us a line and let’s create magic!

The Importance of Level Design in Game Development Thu, 29 Jun 2023 11:20:56 +0000

Video game level design is just one of the plethora of incredible services provided by talented and skilled developers and designers that most players aren’t aware of. A level designer creates and designs the spaces that players enter and explore. They interact with almost all members of the entire game development team including game designers, game artists, programmers, and more to assist in bringing the game’s vision to life.

What does Level Design involve?

When we say level, we mean almost any space. In something like DOOM and DOOM: Eternal, this harkens back to the classic idea of a “level”. A contained area and world to explore. A video game level has come to mean a lot more than these contained pieces of play space. For now, just think about the spaces that players occupy. In every game, those spaces have been designed, created, and iterated until they fit the game’s requirements.

A good video game designer, like those in the Magic Media team, collaborate with the entire development team to ensure that these spaces match the game’s feel and tone. There is a staggering amount of work in developing a game and a level designer is just one of the many who work in tandem to bring it all together. A level designer will then document the steps of creation, from concept and white boxing to texturing and modeling. This documentation then becomes a general ruleset once completed for future level designs.

What truly goes into designing a level is a combination of game system consideration and narrative context. Every tree, rock, boulder, and ledge has a purpose or reason to be. Level designers, along with the artists and modelers, are the ones who create these assets and consider their place. Magic Media’s video game level designers will be in constant contact with the other members of the development team to understand the game’s design. Because a level designer will then have to choose when and where players interact with that design and those systems. With repeated iterations, the narrative content is refined and bound together with the game’s systems fluidly. This type of work results in the classic games that we enjoy.

Level Designer Workflow

The workflow of a video game level designer is dynamic and project dependent for software and pipeline. However, there’s a few standard processes that we follow at Magic Media.

GDD Study

The game design document is the heart of any game development piece. The Magic Media team understands that a game’s enjoyment is from the challenge and success of the player. That is a lot more satisfying when the game and its environment challenges you while also seamlessly teaching you game mechanics. A level designer must understand the game’s systems and, therefore, must study the GDD before they even begin designing a level.

White Boxing

The initial stages of video game level design is called “white boxing”. This is where levels are created using very simple shapes. This allows the level designers to create and test gameplay spaces quickly without wasting too much time on details that might be removed. The first priority is checking that the space in mind fits the game’s systems. This stage is great for allowing everyone involved a chance to test out the systems and their balance efficiently.


Level design lighting is all about readability and exposure of elements to the player. Competitive shooters are a great example where lighting isn’t just important but also integral to its design. If a level’s lighting is off, where players can be almost invisible to one another, you’ll quickly see it abused. Too bright and you’ll see players struggling with readability in the environment of key assets, resources, or even other players.

The Roundabout of Game Development

Our level designers often refer to themselves as roundabouts in the game development pipeline. No matter which part of development is involved, design, development, or art, everything eventually reaches the level design team. They are the ones who implement these pieces into the level and they communicate with the other teams for any changes of said pieces.

During the game development cycle, level designers are looking to work with the game’s system and iterate the levels as the game evolves. Ironing out areas that might stem the gameplay flow is important to ensure a high-quality player experience.

At Magic Media we are veterans of the gaming, tech and entertainment industries, offering comprehensive services including level design, tech design, game design, game development, VFX, animation and full art services! Our main goal is to provide a one-stop solution for any project. If you’d like to utilize our expertize and experience in creating, game art and more, drop us a line and let’s create magic!

Day in the Life: Senior Level Designer Tue, 27 Jun 2023 14:41:17 +0000

In this new Day in the Life feature, we’re looking into the world of Berk Ökten, a Senior Level Designer at Magic Media. Berk’s work is central to the success of all our gaming projects, from immersive open worlds to traditional level-based titles. With his impressive skillset, Berk works to guide players through unforgettable and engaging game worlds.

Level design is a meticulous process that requires a keen eye for detail, knowledge of writing and art, lighting, and even photography and cinematography. Above all, a level designer must understand the player experience intimately – in-depth knowledge of being a player and a level designer.

Level Designer Day-to-Day Work

Berk’s daily work generally depends on what projects he’s involved in and what their status is, but it all begins with communication. Level Designers must be in frequent contact with the design and development teams to wholeheartedly understand their vision and current progress. Berk implements the game design team’s ideas using game development tools, such as Unreal Engine 5 and Unity.

Once an environment or level is playable, Berk then consults with the narrative design team to discuss environmental storytelling details – how the levels and their details tie into the game’s narratives or themes. Berk also works on how to best evoke the game’s mood or tone in the levels he’s working on and how content is distributed throughout levels in a way that makes sense and is in line with the game design team’s ideas.

The Level Design Pipeline

Level design is a flexible process, and it can vary from project to project. As Berk describes it, level design work is like the ‘roundabout’ of a game development studio where the work of all other teams merges into one. Concept art, 3D art, narrative, development, every team’s output flows into the work of a Level Designer. To that end, communication is key to the start of the level design process. The Level Designer works closely with these teams to understand the requirements of a level, everything from what purpose the level serves, atmosphere, length, and countless other factors.

With a deep understanding of the level, Berk begins designing it with a simple pen and paper to create rough sketches of the level and to interpret the decisions of the game design team –  what’s included in the level, its length, everything contained within it. The next step is to create a whitebox level. A whitebox level features primitive objects and basic geometry for the Level Designer to get an overall feel for the level. From here, Berk and the team begin to iterate on the level based on feedback from the QA and design teams. Once the level’s form and function are in place and fit for purpose, art and narrative aspects are implemented to bring its visuals up to scratch in line with the rest of the game’s art direction and story elements.

Challenges of Level Design

One of the biggest challenges with level design is accommodating open-world games. Open-world games, such as that of GTA V tend to allow players to approach quests and combat in several ways. That level of player agency needs to be a top consideration when approaching open-world level design. Traditional level-based games are generally linear, with the primary objective being reaching the end of it. Open worlds can contain multitudes of quests without a defined endpoint.

Content distribution in an open-world game is also of critical importance. Activities need to present themselves to players logically. Rather than carelessly adding quests wherever the Level Designer sees fit, players need to discover activities naturally. This could, for instance, mean that quests should appear in towns and cities and evenly throughout the game world instead of quest markers concentrated in one or two areas. This practice also encourages players to explore the game world.

At Magic Media we are veterans of the film, tv, gaming and entertainment industries, offering comprehensive VFX services for in-game, cinematics, and more, as well as level design, game design, animation and full art services! Our main goal is to provide a one-stop solution for any project. We love nothing more than collaborating with creative minds, so drop us a line and let’s create magic!

Game Art vs Game Design: Understanding the Key Differences for Successful Game Development Mon, 20 Mar 2023 17:23:21 +0000

Game development is a complex process that requires collaboration between various professionals, including Game Artists and Game Designers. These two fields, while related, are distinct in their roles and responsibilities. In this article, we will delve into the technical aspects of Game Art and Game Design, and how they contribute to the success of a game. Additionally, we will explore how the innovative use of Magic Media can enhance the overall gaming experience.

Game Art: The Technical and Creative Aspects

Game Art is a highly technical field that requires a strong understanding of digital art tools and software. Game Artists are responsible for creating the visual elements of a game, including characters, environments, objects, and textures. They must work closely with the Game Design team to ensure that their designs fit the overall theme and tone of the game.

To create Game Art, Game Artists use a variety of software tools, including 3D modeling software like Maya or Blender, digital painting programs like Photoshop or Procreate, and animation software like Unity or Unreal Engine. They must have a thorough understanding of these tools to create intricate and detailed designs that are optimized for real-time rendering.

However, Game Art is not just about technical proficiency. Game Artists must also be highly creative, with a keen eye for detail and aesthetics. They must have a deep understanding of color theory, composition, and lighting to create immersive and engaging game worlds.

Game Design: The Technical and Logical Aspects

Game Design is a highly analytical field that involves creating game mechanics, systems, and rules. Game Designers are responsible for ensuring that a game is engaging, balanced, and fun to play. They must work closely with the Game Art team to ensure that the gameplay mechanics and visual design complement each other.

To create effective game designs, Game Designers use a variety of techniques, including prototyping, playtesting, and data analysis. They must have a deep understanding of game theory, psychology, and user experience to create games that are both challenging and enjoyable.

However, Game Design is not just about logic and analysis. Game Designers must also be highly creative, with a deep understanding of narrative and storytelling. They must create compelling characters and plotlines that draw players into the game world and keep them engaged.

We are the go-to provider for Game Art and Game Design services. Our team of experts has a deep understanding of both the technical and creative aspects of these fields, and we are committed to delivering exceptional results that exceed our clients’ expectations.

Game Art: Our Expertize

At Magic Media, we take great pride in our technical proficiency and creativity as a team of Game Artists. We leverage the latest software tools and techniques to create visually stunning designs that are optimized for real-time rendering. Our collaborative approach with clients, such as Amazon Games and Avalanche Studios, enables us to understand their vision and goals, ensuring that we surpass their expectations with our exceptional quality of work.

Game Design: Our Expertize

Our team of Game Designers is responsible for creating game mechanics, systems, and rules. We use a variety of techniques, including prototyping, playtesting, and data analysis to create effective game designs. We have a deep understanding of game theory, psychology, and user experience to create games that are both challenging and enjoyable.

Magic Media: Delivering Exceptional Results

Our team at Magic Media understands that Game Art and Game Design are essential components of a successful game. We are committed to delivering exceptional results that meet the needs of our clients. We know that creating immersive and engaging game worlds that draw players in and keep them coming back for more is crucial.

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the quality of our work. We use the latest software tools and techniques to create stunning visuals and effective game mechanics. We are constantly exploring new technologies and techniques to enhance the gaming experience for our clients and their players.

At Magic Media we are veterans of the gaming, tech and entertainment industries, offering comprehensive services including game developmentVFXanimation and full art services! Our main goal is to provide a one-stop solution for any project. Our team of experienced developers and designers can help you bring your vision to life, leveraging the latest advancements in blockchain technology and decentralized platforms. We love nothing more than collaborating with creative minds, so drop us a line and let’s talk!
