
Patriotic Paws: Top tips for a pet-safe Jubilee weekend

Pets Mag’s Rufus and Nell in their Jubilee harnesses

With the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee (2–5 June) weekend fast approaching, many of us can’t wait for an extended weekend of celebrations. But as we look forward to hanging up the bunting, preparing for street parties and waving our Union Jacks, national vet charity, PDSA, is encouraging pet owners to keep their furry friends out of harm’s way.

PDSA Vet Nurse, Nina Downing, said: “This year’s Jubilee serves as the perfect opportunity to enjoy time spent with family, friends and neighbours, but amid all the festivities, we must be mindful of our four-legged friends. While we wouldn’t want them to miss out on all the fun, it’s important we understand how to keep them safe during the celebrations.

Nina provides her top tips for a pet-safe Jubilee:

Street party safety

“Street parties can be great fun for the whole neighbourhood, but large crowds can be overwhelming for pets – be wary of loud noises such as music or fireworks and look out for signs that your furry family member may be in distress.

“People may also be in and out of your house and garden regularly, so always keep a close eye on your pet – you definitely don’t want them making a run for it down the road if a door or gate accidently gets left open!

“If you’re worried about your pooch making a dash out of the door, it’s best to set up a secure doggy den for them to stay safe inside. Cats feel safest when they’re high up and out of the way, while small pet enclosures can be moved into a quiet room away from the hustle and bustle of the party.

Mind the heat

“The great British weather can be unpredictable at best, but if we’re lucky enough to have the sun shining on our long weekend of fun, it’s important to keep our pets safe from heatstroke.

“If you plan on spending the day outside with your furry friend, always make sure they have somewhere in the shade to rest and pack plenty of water to keep them hydrated. As flat-faced dogs struggle to regulate their body temperature, they can overheat even when the weather doesn’t seem too hot to us, so avoid taking them out in the heat of the day. Remember to check the pavement isn’t too hot before heading out for a street party, as in warm weather footpaths can reach unsafe temperatures for sensitive paws.

Decorative dangers

“It wouldn’t be a Jubilee celebration without bunting lining every street corner, but our patriotic décor can be tempting for curious furry friends. Should your pet get hold of any decorations then there’s a chance they could swallow them, which could potentially cause life-threatening blockages. To avoid an emergency, hang any decorations well out of reach from any prying paws, and pack them away in a secure, high place once you take them down. Avoid the temptation to dress up your pets to celebrate – it can cause anxiety, overheating and they really do look their best just wearing what nature intended!

Unlucky leftovers

“Whether you’re planning a street party bake-off or a sizzling bank holiday BBQ, it can be tempting to treat our pets to a bite of our yummy delights. Unfortunately, human food doesn’t always sit well with our furry friends, and sugary, fatty, or greasy scraps can cause severe sickness and diarrhoea which may require emergency treatment. Keep the leftovers for yourself to enjoy and treat your pet with a healthy option instead.”

PDSA is the UK’s largest vet charity providing a vital service for pets across the UK whose owners struggle to afford treatment costs for their sick and injured pets. For many vulnerable pets, PDSA is there to help when there is nowhere else for their owners to turn. Support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery helps us reach even more pet owners with vital advice and information. www.pdsa.org.uk

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