
Fundraising Ideas For Your Favourite Pet Charity

As an animal lover, there are countless things you can do to support the causes that mean something to you. From the work of medical detection dogs to the plight of sick and neglected animals, there is probably a charity out there that stirs both your passions and emotions.

Your first port of call is to approach the charity you want to help and ask them for ideas on how you can raise money for them. Their suggestions will be invaluable, and they should provide you with merchandised items – brochures, money boxes, etc. – to give you the means to raise both money and public interest in their cause.

While seeking advice from the charity is essential, your next step is to use a little imagination. While you could go door to door with money box in hand, and while you could pester and cajole your friends and family into giving, there are other ideas that may prove more effective. After all, not many us like to be harangued for money. Check out the following ideas as examples.

  • Set up a giving kiosk. The charity you support should give you guidance for this one, as you may need some money to set something up, as well as an armful of brochures and giveaway items. Setting up a bespoke exhibition stand at a public event, be it animal-oriented or not, you can attract people’s attention with your display. Talk to passersby about your chosen charity, stir their interest with engaging stories, and use a card reader as well as a traditional money box to take any donations that come your way.
  • Organise a social event. People like to have fun, so setting up a paid event will generate cash for your charity. As examples, you might organise a pet talent show, with a small award to the most talented pet (or their owner). You could have a pet party, with food and games for pets and their owners. Or you could hold an event that isn’t necessarily animal oriented but still have raffle tickets or tombolas to go towards supporting your favourite charity.
  • Work with your animal loving friends. Getting together with your friends, consider the varying ways you could raise money together. One example could be a car wash, offering to hand-wash your neighbour’s vehicles. You might even set up a station for washing people’s dogs too! Alternatively, you could hold a walkathon. By bringing your friends together, you could all seek sponsors from others for the walk you are going to undertake. To make it pet-appropriate, this could also be a perfect excuse to give dogs exercise too, whether they are your own, or from extra-paying sponsors.
  • Use social media. Here’s an idea worth tweeting about (bird charities optional). Using the ideas presented here, use your social media accounts to spread the word about the charity you are supporting. Considering the thousands of people accessible through your networks, your fundraising ideas are going to get more than a few ‘likes’ when you promote the needs of your chosen charity.

These were our ideas, but you may have some of your own. Let us know your thoughts, giving us all the ability to make a difference to the lives of the animals we care about.

Take care, and thanks for reading.


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