
New Year, New Puppy?


Pets Magazine has teamed up with doggy day care brand, Bruce’s, to share some top tips for new puppy owners this year.

Bruce’s Head of Enrichment and highly experienced dog behaviouralist, Louise Moran, shares her advice:

Organise your vet and insurance

When your puppy arrives, you should be fully prepared for all eventualities. Make sure you know where your nearest vet is and book an appointment to register your puppy with them within the first few days of bringing your puppy home. Most likely, you will need to get your puppy vaccinated, which will require two or three vet visits. Organise your pet insurance in advance too.

Stock up on food

Puppies need special puppy food and treats as their tummies are more sensitive than a grown dog. They also eat little and often, rather than just a couple of meals a day. Make sure you have a good store of appropriate food and don’t be tempted to add in extras or overfeed.

Collar and tag

You’ll need a suitable collar or harness, and a lead for when you collect your puppy, and an identity tag too. Nowadays, an easy way to get one is online. UK law states that all dogs must have the name and address of the owner engraved on it. Your telephone number and the dog’s name are optional.

Your puppy should also be microchipped by the breeder at eight weeks old before you collect them, but if not, your vet can do this.

Set aside time

On the day you’re due to collect your puppy, make sure you have set aside plenty of time to help them settle in. A new home, new people and new routine will be overwhelming for your little four-legged friend, so being there is essential. Cuddle and reassure them but also let them explore. And be prepared for puppy puddle accidents and whining for the first few days and nights. This will pass, so be patient.

Puppy proof your home

Set aside an area where your puppy will live, their safe spot, and remove anything that could be a risk to them, or they can damage. We all know puppies love to chew! This area should include a bed and blanket for them to sleep in and stimulating toys to play with. You will also need food and water bowls, and a crate so your puppy can retire and rest without being disturbed. This is particularly important if you have other pets or children.

Puppy pads are also recommended until they get used to doing their business outside.

Main photo credit: Photo by Mia Anderson on Unsplash

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