
Paws Up! Tips When Taking your Beloved Pet Abroad

Taking your pet abroad isn’t as hard as you would think. The truth is that there have been a lot of changes over the last couple of years that have made the whole process way easier, but you do still need to do your research and know the requirements that are present.

Travelling with Your Pet

If you are taking your dog abroad then you need to make sure that they are microchipped. You also need to make sure that they have a pet passport and that they have had all of the treatment that they need before they go. When you do take your pet abroad, you need to make sure that you have the right carrier, and that the route you are travelling on is approved. The problem here is that if you do not make the effort to make sure that your pet is checked or microchipped then they could be put in quarantine or even sent back to your home country.


If you do plan on going to a hotter country then you need to try and consider the climate in your destination. Remember that your dog is used to the climate in the country that you are in now, so it will take them time to adjust. Don’t take your pet anywhere that could put them at risk of heat exhaustion, and don’t take them somewhere they may struggle with the cold either. If your dog has a long coat then they will suffer more in the heat when compared to a dog with a shorter coat for example, so do keep this in mind. If your dog is there for emotional support, then it’s worth looking into sites such as CertPet.


Changing the Routine

Your dog will probably be very stressed at the thought of having their routine changed. This is completely normal and you may even find that they can’t enjoy themselves when they are there as a result. If you know that there is going to be a huge change for them then try and take things that will help them to feel at home. This can include their bedding, their food and even their favourite toys. You also need to give them to adjust and always be supportive of them whenever they need it the most. You also need to try and calm them down if you are going on a flight as well, and there are so many herbal remedies out there for you to choose from if you want to try and put their mind at ease. It may even be worth talking to your vet to find out if there is anything that you can do as well, because if you have an overly anxious dog then this can cause them to react very badly to certain situations.

Keeping your dog safe and sound when you go abroad doesn’t have to be difficult, and by taking into account the above hints and tips, you can be sure to really keep them nice and relaxed while you look forward to the trip ahead.

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