
How to Look After Your Dog Through the Different Seasons

Just as the old saying goes, a dog is for life, not just for Christmas. This also means caring for them through every season of the year – especially the harshest seasons of Summer and Winter. So, whether you’re saving them an extra sausage from the BBQ in early-July, or you’re filling up their Christmas stocking in mid-December, here’s how to look after your dog through the different seasons.   


Dogs can overheat quickly in the warmer summer weather. That’s why it’s crucial to take steps to ensure your dog is coping okay with the heat from May to September. Even at temperatures as low as 20 degrees, dogs are at risk of heatstroke, so it’s important to head the following advice to keep them cool during these months:


While it might seem tempting to elongate your dog’s walks in the warmer weather, this can carry risks for your pooch. Instead, walk them early in the morning or in the evening when the ground has cooled off; dog booties can also help protect their sensitive paws from the hot tarmac. 


Dogs can suffer severely from sunburn, especially breeds with short or white hair with pink ears. Shield your four-legged friend from the harsh sun rays by applying dog-specific sun cream to the sensitive areas of your dog, mainly the nose, tips of the ears, lips and belly.


Help your dog stay hydrated by always having fresh water to hand, whether you’re relaxing at home, snoozing in the garden, or outside on a walk.


Despite their furry coat, dogs can be extremely vulnerable to colder weather and may fall ill if they’re exposed to very cold temperatures.

Here’s how to make sure your dog doesn’t feel the chill over winter:


Make sure your pooch has a warm place to sleep at night that’s free from a draught. Lining their bed with an extra blanket or two can also help them sleep more soundly through the winter nights.


Much like in summer, adapting your walks during winter is essential for keeping your pooch happy and healthy. While dogs still need to stay active during the colder months, consider a winter dog jacket to keep them warm during walks. If you’re lucky enough to get snow where you live, make sure to wipe their paws and belly when you get back from a snowy walk to remove any ice or salt that might have gotten trapped. Similarly, regularly check for cracks in paw pads or for redness between the toes when the terrain starts getting dicey.

Keeping your dog happy and healthy throughout the different seasons doesn’t have to be an impossible task with these simple tips and expert pieces of advice.

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