
‘Mr Loophole’ Applies For Dual Nationality for His Pooch

When it comes to the ongoing intricacies of current EU negotiations, celebrity lawyer Nick Freeman is conducting his own “Grrrrexit” talks – with French veterinary officials.

For come the hour when freedom of movement between the UK and the remaining 26 member states is shelved, “Mr Loophole” doesn’t want anything to jeopardise the travel arrangements for his “right-hound” man, George the Stafford Bull Terrier.

Whilst the breed is quintessentially British and George holds a British pet passport, the five-year-old has his own French connection being born in Toulon, an hour away from Mr Freeman’s French home.

Nick said: “George already holds a UK pet passport, but as he’s a French national I’m not taking any chances when the country goes walkies!

“Myself and George drive to the south of France several times a year, and before being able to return to the UK, George needs to produce his passport both at the local vet’s and at the Channel Tunnel.

“We’ve all read about ‘remainers’ with connections to the Irish Republic seeking dual nationality, well I’m doing the same for George. Whilst I have my one British passport, George now has his two ‘passpaws’!”

Nick also runs the “Save the Staffy” website found at https://www.savethestaffy.co.uk/

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