
18 UK Politicians and their Canine Lookalikes

Can you put a name to the face?

These dogs could replace Britain’s politicians without anybody noticing and may even prove more effective in resolving Brexit…

Researchers from online retailer PurePetFood.com have revealed 18 breeds of dog that look almost exactly like the UK’s leading political figures.

With Boris Johnson struggling to keep the Conservative Party on a tight leash and Jeremy Corbyn wagging his tail between different Labour Party policies, Brits’ favourite four-legged friends could be well placed to fetch votes at the next election.

From Sajid Javid the Pug, Dominic Raab the Pitbull and Priti Patel the Doberman, to Dianne Abbott the Sussex Spaniel, Emily Thornberry the Border Terrier and John McDonnell the Labrador, the front benches in the House of Commons wouldn’t look much different if the humans were replaced by canines and behaviour might even improve.

Other parties are also easily replaceable, including a Chihuahua and an Icelandic Sheepdog ready to represent Caroline Lucas of the Green Party and Arlene Foster of the DUP respectively, and a Pumi Dog set to sit in the Speaker’s chair.

A spokesperson said: “Across the party divides, there’s probably a broad agreement that the current parliament perhaps isn’t the most productive one the UK has even been blessed with.

“The real politicians don’t seem to be getting anywhere at the moment, so to make some real progress on the issues that matter most to voters, we think it’s time to give dogs a go.

“Fortunately, it’s easy to find doggy lookalikes for Britain’s leading political figures, so we don’t think her majesty would even notice if her government and opposition were to be replaced by some of our four-legged friends.”

Here are the suggestions for prominent UK politicians and their canine lookalikes:

1. Boris Johnson as Morkie (Maltese x Yorkshire Terrier)

(Image credit: https://thehappypuppysite.com/morkie/)

2. Jeremy Corbyn as a Bedlington Terrier

(Image credit: https://www.pets4homes.co.uk/dog-breeds/bedlington-terrier/)

3. Jacob Rees-Mogg as an Afghan Hound

(Image credit: https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/afghan-hound/)

4. John McDonnell as a Labrador

(Image credit: https://www.twinpondslabradors.com/)

5. Theresa May as a Shih Tzu

(Image credit: Stock image from https://pixabay.com/photos/dog-shih-tzu-puppy-1376904/)

6. Caroline Lucas as a Chihuahua

(Image credit: https://www.petbarn.com.au/petspot/dog/dog-breeds/chihuahua/)

7. Dominic Raab as a Pit Bull

(Image credit: https://www.petmd.com/dog/pet-lover/8-things-animal-shelters-want-you-know-about-pit-bull-dogs)

8. Sajid Javid as a Pug

(Image credit: https://www.canadianliving.com/life-and-relationships/pets/article/10-things-you-should-know-before-getting-a-pug)

9. Priti Patel as a Doberman

(Image credit: https://www.petplace.com/article/dogs/breeds/dog-breeds/doberman-temperament-heres-expect/)

10. Jo Swinson as a Korean Jindo Dog

(Image credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/260716265902903070)

11. Philip Hammond as an Irish Wolfhound

(Image credit: https://dogtime.com/dog-breeds/irish-wolfhound?slideshow=423#/slide/1)

12. Diane Abbott as a Sussex Spaniel

(Image credit: https://dogtime.com/dog-breeds/sussex-spaniel?slideshow=457#/slide/3)

 13. Michael Gove as a Jack Russell

(Image credit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Russell_Terrier – /media/File:Jack_Russell_Terrier_1.jpg)

14. Nigel Farage as a Great Dane

(Image credit: Stock image from https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-and-white-dog-great-dane-142618/)

15. Nicola Sturgeon as a Norfolk Terrier

(Image credit: https://a-z-animals.com/animals/norfolk-terrier/)

16. John Bercow as a Pumi Dog

(Image credit: https://www.petmd.com/dog/breeds/c_dg_pumi)

17. Arlene Foster as an Icelandic Sheepdog

(Image credit: https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/icelandic-sheepdog/)

18. Emily Thornberry as a Border Terrier

(Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Grumpy_Border_Terrier.jpg)

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