
How To Get Your Dog to Sit Still for Pictures

Photo by James Barker on Unsplash

Taking a picture of your dog is always difficult. Most dogs can’t sit still and, of those that can, you can guarantee they will cease to be cute by the time you open your camera. Here is how you can get your dog to sit still for pictures.

Getting a great shot of your dog is rarely easy. They are prone to fidgeting; move around every time a mouse sneezes in your neighbourhood, and don’t do what you tell them to. If you grab your phone to take the shot and tell them to stay, for example, the dog thinks it has done wrong and stops what it is doing… ruining your shot.

This article will talk about all the ways you can create brilliant lasting memories of your dog through photographs. Those who are facing losing their pet should realise that it’s never too late to start aiming for the perfect pet pic. You can read about other ways to remember your little loved one here. Meantime let’s talk how to get the dog to sit still so we can finally land that great shot.


Getting Your Dog to Sit Still for a Photo

Getting your dog to sit still for a photo starts with training. Like any good method for dog obedience, selfie class should be in session from the moment your pup arrives home for the first time. Just like you train them to pee outside and sleep where you tell them to, you can train your pet to take a good photograph. 

Training your dog to sit still

To train your dog to sit still, all you need are treats and persistence. Dogs thrive on routine. They love repetition. When you behave the same way each time you do something, they respond to that consistency and routine. 

Train your dog to sit still by using the camera as the signal. You should introduce a command to go with the production of the camera. This signal of the phone in your hand plus the command word will instantly tell your dog what is about to happen. The third thing you add in is the action you expect from them and then the reward. 

So, it looks like this:

  1. Produce your camera and open the app. Hold your phone in a different position than you normally would. Keep this position consistent.
  2. Get your dog’s attention with a vocal command. Perhaps ‘picture,’ ‘photo’, or ‘freeze’.
  3. If your dog already knows the ‘stay’ command, use this to keep them in place. 
  4. When your dog tries to move, indicate displeasure.
  5. When your dog sits still, hold it for a few seconds, then give them treats and attention.
  6. Repeat these steps several times and you will have a photo-ready pup.

What if the dog won’t sit still?

Some dogs will never master the art of sitting still. Don’t panic, you can always edit out some of the problem if you make background transparent in the shots. This should reduce motion blur and give you a better feel. Try getting down to your dog’s level to take the picture, too. This can result in a more personal pic.

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