
Cool Product: Christmas Stocking for Dogs!

We love this cool Christmas stocking in hessian for dogs. It can be personalised, as this one is for one… read the article

A β€˜3D Pet Urn’ That Looks Exactly Like Your Pet!

Bespoke urns that look exactly like the deceased pet they memorialise are launching in the UK today, thanks to 3D… read the article

Put Your Dog On It!

Cool personalised products for dog lovers By Rufus Cavalier I’m loving my comfortable new mattress which conveniently fits so well… read the article

We Love These Poppies for Dogs

Remembrance Day, Monday 11th November, is just around the corner and people across the land, will be showing their support… read the article

Rufus Reviews: Tough Toys for Dogs

Have you ever despaired when spending your hard-earned cash on supposedly long-lasting dog toys that end up within a few… read the article

Review: Furbo Dog Camera, a Great Piece of Pet Tech!

If like most dog owners, you sometimes have to leave your precious pooch home alone, and would like to find… read the article

REVIEW: The Fragrance-Free Air Freshener

We’re reviewing Oderase, the no-smell air freshener, which is exclusively available from Ocado. Let us tell you that this fragrance-free,… read the article

Videos: Tips for Managing Stress in Your Dog

We all experience stress and anxiety at certain stages of our life, but not everyone appreciates that our four-legged family… read the article

Arty Lobster Launches Ultimate Keepsake for Bereaved Pet Owners

Pet owners can now take a bespoke memento of their pet with them wherever they go. Arty Lobster, the 3D… read the article