
We’re 2nd in Top 10 Online Pet Magazines – Globally!

We’re delighted to be awarded 2nd position in a global league table of top online pet magazines by Feedspot, the global tracker… read the article

New Law Needed to Protect Four-legged Crime Fighters, Says Police Boss

A police boss is backing demands for a new law to make it an offence to attack four-legged crime fighters…. read the article

Pets Mag Makes Top 10 of UK Pet Blogs

We’re delighted to be awarded 10th position in a comprehensive list of the Top 20 UK Pet Blogs, by Feedspot, The… read the article

Jack the Border Terrier is Nation’s Top Dog Hero

Beloved rescue Border Terrier ‘Sir Jack Spratticus’ has been announced as the winner of the dog hero competition, Friends for… read the article

The London Cat Clinic Wins National Veterinary Practice Design Awards

The London Cat Clinic (www.thelondoncatclinic.co.uk), a new purpose-built, feline-only practice in the heart of the Bermondsey regeneration area of London, has won… read the article

Hero Dog Wins “Animals’ George Cross” for Bravery

A heroic Staffordshire Bull Terrier who saved his family’s lives during a terrible house fire was presented with the “Animals’… read the article

Cheshire Rescue Dog Awarded ‘Animal OBE’

An extraordinary search and rescue dog from Cheshire was honoured today (Thursday 16 March 2017) by leading vet charity PDSA… read the article

Animal OBE for ‘life-changing’ Molly

A loyal Spaniel has been awarded the prestigious PDSA Order of Merit – the animal equivalent of the OBE –… read the article

Guinness World Record for World’s First ‘Sky-diving Anti-poaching’ Dog

Arrow, a German Shepherd dog specially trained to combat Africa’s poaching crisis, has been recognized as the world’s first sky-diving… read the article