Podcast: Producing Video Games

In this episode of the Magic Media Podcast, our host Josh O’Farrell has the opportunity to speak with Zdravko Malinovic, Senior Game Producer at Starloop Studios. Starloop is part of the Magic Media company and brings a wide range of game development and art services, including co-development, full-cycle development, game porting, and 3D art. We take pride in our ability to deliver amazing games for publishers and developers of all sizes, global brands, and private companies.

Zdravko is a demonstrably experienced producer and project manager in both the gaming and entertainment industries and an important part of Starloop Studios!

The Magic Media Podcast Ep 3: Producing Video Games with Zdravko Malinovic: https://magicmediapodcast.buzzsprout.com/1941609/10519713


If you need help on full-cycle developmentgame porting, or any stage of the game development process, get in touch with Magic Media. We’ll take your dream project and put in the magic.



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