
Missing Dog Alert: Obie


BREED:                   Weimaraner

SEX:                        Male


FINDER’S FEE:      Yes

2-year-old Weimaraner, Obie lives with his mum Lyndi, dad Darren, his three best friends Oscar, Evie and Archie who are 11, 10 and 7 and the family’s other dog Stewie in Bosham in West Sussex.

The family, who are currently building a new home live in a static caravan on the grounds of the new build so while Darren is working on the new house, Obie normally had free reign to wander the grounds as he never really leaves his mum or dad’s side.

On 11th December 2018, Lyndi an Aeronautical Operations Controller for the HM Coastguard Search and Rescue Helicopters had just finished a nightshift so was sleeping in the caravan with their other dog Stewie.

Darren let Obie out to have a run around with him whilst he was working on the house; something that they had done numerous times before however at about 10:30am Darren went back to the caravan, as he couldn’t find Obie and presumed that he had gone back to bed. Sadly, this wasn’t the case. Obie never wandered and never went far without Stewie so the couple knew that there was something wrong immediately.

The driveway to the house leads to a country lane, Newells Lane, and it is believed that for some reason, Obie must have made his way to the top of the drive when Darren wasn’t looking and it is believed that this is where he was picked up. Obie is an extremely friendly and trusting dog and the family confirm that he would have unfortunately jumped in anyone’s car.

The family searched for weeks, taking Stewie out with them but there have been no sightings of their handsome boy and they are truly bereft without him.

The couple’s children have been especially affected by Obie’s disappearance as they’ve grown up with Obie and they are desperately missing him. They don’t understand why an adult would steal their very best friend – in fact their youngest was convinced that Santa was going to bring him back.

Initially, it was very difficult for Lyndi to get the local police to register Obie as stolen. They stated that there was no proof he had been taken as there was no CCTV footage.

However, there had been no reported accidents involving a dog, the Highways Agency and Network Rail also confirmed that there had been no fatalities and given the search took place very soon after Obie was last seen they eventually agreed that it was a highly likely Obie had become another horrendous statistic of dog theft.

Lyndi said: “Our lives have changed since the 11th December, every day we desperately hope to hear news; it’s on our minds constantly. It’s a horrendous feeling; worrying about him, Where is he? Who is he with? Is he being looked after properly? Is he missing us? Does he think we’ve abandoned him? It’s like living in a permanent nightmare.

“I spend every spare second I can trawling adverts, dog lost sites, dog found sites, rescue centres etc and those images haunt me too.

“I would like to plead with anybody, if they think they know anything at all to please, please get in touch; there is a substantial finder’s fee for his safe return or information leading to his safe return”

Obie has a very distinct black mark on the pupil of his right eye; he is microchipped and was wearing a collar on the day he went missing.

If anyone has any information relating to Obie’s case or knows where he is, please do contact DogLost on 0844 800 3220, quoting dog ID 138042



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