A Scottish dog-friendly bar & restaurant is reporting a 35% rise in non-alcoholic doggy beer sales and a 50% increase in demand for its healthy treats.

Thirsty pooches including Hartley (pictured) have been lapping up 100 bottles of beer in a year and munching on packets of dog snacks at The Mercat Grill in East Lothian.
The Mercat Grill’s owner Graham Blaikie said: “We’re increasingly seeing more and more customers coming in for a drink or to dine with their best friend – their dog! Our canine customers seem to be more sociable than ever before and certainly enjoy a fine bottle of Snuffle with a healthy and nutritional pack of ‘Harry’s Treat’s!
“Snuffle is made from beef or chicken and malt barley extracts, mineral oils and vitamin B – and of course is non sparking! Harry’s gourmet treats are handmade with high quality, human grade ingredients, containing no artificial colourings or preservatives and our canine clientele love them.
He added: “With pet spending reaching £4.6 billion in 2015 (6 Jan ’15, Daily Telegraph), a figure which has grown steadily over the years, I think people are increasingly seeing their four-legged friends as integral family members.
“We also live in a less humanised society, with more people living alone – so having a canine companion provides great company. Therefore, sharing meals, drinks, treating them to health, tasty snacks, designer outfits or taking them out for social occasions, is becoming more the ‘norm’!”
Paul Marsden, owner of Harry’s Treats commented: “We’re delighted the Mercat Grill’s four-legged customers are munching more and loving our gourmet treats. Sales have continued to grow over the last year and our treats have become so popular we’re about to open our inaugural dog bakery on Edinburgh’s Portobello High Street to cope with increasing demand.”